Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Made me stop and look

How often do you spot something that makes you stop? Stop and look, feel, get excited and take you back to what up love most - for me what I love most is design. Waiting in my inbox this morning from Tom (my boss) was a link to 30 beautiful logo designs. I had to share. Not only are they beautifully executed, they're down right clever. Here are some of my favorites, please check the Ivan's blog to see all.

Love the use of negative space. Like Joel said, once you see it you can't help 'seeing' it.

The graphic of the pencil being below the logo is unexpected. Kudos to the designer.

This took me a second to process, so clever.

I have a feeling @tostina's going to love this one.


ljc said...

Those logos are so awesome. I think I need a personal LJC logo.

Ralph said...

Pretty awesome logos. Very creative.